DMS MET200-308
DMS MET200-308
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VENTUS-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
Extremely precise and maintenance-free measurement of wind speed and wind direction even in the lowest temperature

The accurate wind sensor uses the run-time differential method for determining the wind speed and wind direction. It provides output for instantaneous values, vector and scalar means, the maximum gust of wind and wind direction, the maximum/minimum values and the virtual temperature. Data output through serial or analogue interfaces provides compatibility of the Lufft Ventus for commercially available hydrometeorological dataloggers and PLC systems. An automatic heater ensures reliable operation even in the lowest temperature.
Parameters measured: Wind speed, wind direction, virtual temperature, barometric pressure
Measurement technology: Ultrasonic
Product highlights: Maintenance-free measurement, suitable for extreme ambient conditions, ice-free operation, vibration and seawater resistant, compatible interfaces
Interfaces: SDI-12, RS-485 with supported protocols Binary, ASCII, NMEA, Modbus & analogue output
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